Founded by James Schmalz in 1993, Digital Extremes leapt from early shareware hit Epic Pinball to the innovative Unreal Series (co-created with Epic Games) to the massive free-to-play success of Warframe. Leading with community-first development, Digital Extremes has stayed at the forefront of the video game industry for more than 25 years.
With more than 300 staff across Canada and global locations, Digital Extremes’ diverse team brings innovation, imagination and passion to its studio culture. We foster a creative environment promoting a strong work ethic and project ownership, whether it’s inter-departmental collaboration or external support for local community. We’re proud our studio culture is dedicated to building career growth opportunities for both new employees and long-time staff members who remain active and integral to our core projects.
Our London, Ontario studio is the heart of our creative operations. From game and graphic design to sound and motion capture work, our brilliant development team works hand-in-hand with our active community and publishing teams to bring incredible ideas to life.
OUR STORY (as told by NoClip)

Digital Extremes has garnered dozens of awards for both its innovative games and its progressive studio culture. As the co-creator of Epic Games' multi-million unit selling Unreal® franchise including Unreal and Unreal Tournament and the award-winning Warframe, among others, Digital Extremes also is annually recognized as Canada’s Top 100 Best Companies to work for. For more awards information, click on the link below.
View All AwardsFAQ
I would like to work for Digital Extremes, where do I apply?
Visit our candidate portal to see all our current job postings
Where can I get help if I’m having in-game issues and need technical support?
We can help! Contact our support department here: https://support.warframe.com/
Where is Digital Extremes located?
Our Studio Headquarters is located in London, Ontario, Canada.
I have a media question. Who should I contact?
Contact us here: https://www.digitalextremes.com/contact
I would like to review Warframe. Will you send me a copy to review for our site?
You can review Warframe for free here. Just download and start playing. Check our Quick Start Guide to get a jumpstart!
Where can I get Warframe media (assets, video, screenshots)?
Our Warframe media page offers all of those things! Download additional logos, key art, and screenshots here. For more support to assist your coverage, please submit a request to www.digitalextremes.com/contact for more information. Any requests not pertaining to game coverage may be disregarded.
May I tour your office or interview one of your staff about their job?
We love visitors, but we cannot accommodate all of the requests we receive and still get work done. We talk to our community often, especially on Twitch.tv/warframe. We run four weekly streams and a bi-weekly Devstream there too. Peruse our Twitch page and watch our streams to engage with our Community team and Developers or jump onto our Forums to join the discussion!
Where can I submit my game ideas/feedback on your games?
We understand that growing passionate about any game often means wanting to flex your own creative muscles and share that enthusiasm with us, however our company policy prevents us from accepting any unsolicited ideas for review. A small part of this is due to the legal complexities in taking an idea from someone else, but more important than that is the pride we feel in bringing our own successful concepts and mechanics to life. Digital Extremes wouldn’t have gotten where we are today without that same passion and, as a result, we will return any unsolicited ideas, suggestions or requests without review from our development team.
If you are a Warframe player, we invite you to join our forum community to discuss Warframe.
May I Beta Test your games?
You definitely can play Warframe and tell us what you think. Download our game for free here. We keep a close eye on our Community and the constant stream of feedback we receive lives in our forums. If you find a bug we encourage you to report it as soon as possible to our PC, PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch Beta Bugs forum with details on how to produce it so we can track it down quickly. It’s through our Community’s diligent support that our developers are able to address these problems with quick efficiency, and Warframe certainly wouldn’t be the same without it.
I would like to intern for Digital Extremes. How do I get started?
Some of our best employees started as co-op students or interns. We don’t have a formal internship program that revolves on an annual basis, so you probably won’t see postings on our career page for internships. To participate, students must be enrolled in a Cooperative Learning or Internship Program with their respective schools. Please apply directly through your school's Co-Op or Intern Program Officer.
I'm a Warframe Content Creator, Fan Artist, Fansite Editor looking for support. What do I do?
If you're a Tenno making content about Warframe, we’re here to support your journey! The Creator Program is designed to offer resources that aid your content creation and help you build your community. Check out our program criteria to see if the Creator Program is the right fit for you! https://www.warframe.com/community/creators/application
What kind of art programs do you use in game development?
We use several types of 3D software throughout development of our products. Currently for next-gen development we are using Maya and Mudbox from Autodesk, ZBrush from Pixologic, and Adobe Photoshop to name a few. Other well-known and popular software packages used in this industry include Autodesk’ 3DS Max and XSI. ZBrush, Photoshop, Maya, 3DS Max and XSI have free trial or learning edition copies of their software available for download on their websites.
- Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx
- Sony http://www.sony.ca/view/homepage.htm
- PhysX by Nvidia http://www.nvidia.com/object/physx_new.html
- Atlassian http://www.atlassian.com/
- Ontario Media Development Corp. http://www.omdc.on.ca/
- CFIB http://www.cfib-fcei.ca/english/index.html
- Interactive Ontario http://www.cfib-fcei.ca/english/index.html
- IGDA http://www.igda.org/
- TechAlliance http://www.techalliance.ca/
- 2K Games http://www.2kgames.com/
- OpenSSL https://www.openssl.org/
- RAD Game Tools http://www.radgametools.com/